3D Printing Webinar & Event Roundup: May 28, 2023


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3D Printing Webinar & Event Roundup: May 28, 2023

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It's another busy week in the world of 3D printing webinars and events, covering topics like automated wax support removal, wire-laser metal additive manufacturing, SLS 3D printing, manufacturing for space, 3D printing in cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry, and more. Read on for all the details!

Our Executive Editor Joris Peels, who's also the Vice President of Consulting at SmarTech Analysis, offers a news livestream one to two times a week called 3D Printing News Unpeeled at 9:30 am EST. For each episode, Peels gets on LinkedIn Live and tells us, in 20 minutes or less, what he considers to be the top news stories from the 3D printing industry that week, and why they’re important. Some of the stories in his roundup are ones we’ve covered at 3DPrint.com, and some are not, but they are all equally interesting and impactful.

From Tuesday, May 30th through Friday, June 2nd, Equiplast, the International Plastics and Rubber Event, will be held in Barcelona, "connecting industry, society & sustainability." The fair will feature a range of industry solutions and machinery from all plastic processing sectors, including molds and dies, automation systems, R&D, raw materials and additives, and more. Attendees can learn about the initiatives and projects that best reflect the industry's transformational nature based on three strategic axes: the circular economy, digitalization, and technology transfer.

"Equiplast is the trade fair that gathers together all the sectors of plastic and rubber to promote solutions to address the global challenges related to their impact on the environment.

"For 4 days it will become the meeting point to promote the latest solutions in the circular economy and innovation with the aim of accelerating transformation towards a more sustainable future."

You can register for Equiplast here.

At 10 am EST on the 30th, PostProcess Technologies will hold a webinar on "How It Works: Automated Wax Support Removal." The 30-minute webinar will be the company's first on the topic of support removal for wax 3D printed parts, and will cover the challenges and limitations of traditional manual support removal for these prints, as well as present case studies that showcase the efficiency and benefits of automated wax support removal, and a demonstration of the automated post-processing workflow for 3D printed jewelry parts.

"Conducted by one of our post-processing experts broadcasting from our lab, you will get a close-up view of how software, hardware, and chemistry work together for transformative end part results. See the solutions running on the proprietary AUTOMAT3D® platform and engage in real-time Q&A."

You can register for the event here.

Also on the 30th, but an hour later at 11 am EST, Formlabs will discuss "How to Calculate ROI and Build a Business Case For SLS 3D Printing." Attendees will learn all about how to estimate the total cost of ownership, return on investment (ROI), and cost per part in powder bed fusion systems, like SLS 3D printers. Attendees will hear from Chris Haid, Formlabs’ Hardware Product Manager, all about achieving accurate calculations, examples of low and medium volume applications, how Fuse Series 3D printers can offer an affordable cost per part, and more.

"In this webinar, you will learn the major factors driving cost per part when using SLS 3D printing for low and medium volume applications. Our experts will also showcase how calculating cost per part for powder bed fusion systems like SLS 3D printing is unique compared to other fabrication techniques."

You can register for the webinar here.

Meltio and Phillips Corporation are teaming up for a webinar at 11 am EST on Wednesday the 31st about "Wire-Laser Metal 3D Printing for the Machine Shop." Topics covered will include the value propositions of wire laser metal deposition (LMD) for the machine shop, the hybrid manufacturing programming workflow, hybrid applications that can streamline lead times and reduce costs, and more. At the end, Meltio's Applications Manager Giorgio Olivieri and Phillips Corporation's General Manager of the Hybrid Division Brian Kristaponis will answer questions from attendees.

"Join us for an insightful webinar held together with Phillips Corporation to discover cutting-edge advancements in metal 3D printing and its game-changing applications for machine shops."

You can register for the webinar here.

The Keystone Space Collaborative wants to make space more accessible, and is committed to attracting, growing and boosting the next generation of space industry businesses in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. This week, it's hosting its second annual conference from June 1-2, bringing academia, industry, government, and regional talent together in Pittsburgh. This year, the event has expanded to showcase member companies, individuals, and organizations, and offer curated connection opportunities and exhibits. Plus, renowned keynote speakers and panelists will discuss a number of topics, such as Low Earth Orbit, leveraging regional investments, workforce development, and more.

"Dive deeper into the impact of a thriving space industry on our regional economy and job market. The well-connected audience and speaker lineup will include a mix of leaders from commercial space companies, space industry funders, innovative tech firms, university researchers, governing bodies, and more. Join us to take advantage of inclusive networking opportunities, to create meaningful connections, to benefit your business, and to expand your regional footprint like never before!"

You can register for the conference here.

At 10 am EST (5 pm CEST) on Thursday, June 1st, Nanoscribe will hold a webinar on "Aligned 3D printing on optical fibers," with a focus on miniaturized optics and efficient interconnects for photonics packaging. Technology experts from Nanoscribe, Printoptix, and PHIX Photonics Assembly will discuss how to use optical fibers for imaging and sensing applications, and efficient optical interconnects for photonic integration. Attendees will learn about Nanoscribe's Aligned 2-Photon Lithography (A2PL®) technology, see a live demo of Quantum X align, hear new applications with miniaturized optics, learn how microoptics can be printed directly onto optical fibers, and more.

"Explore the world of fiber-based microoptics and learn about the technical challenges to be tackled. Discover the new opportunities opened up with Quantum X align equipped with A2PL technology. Experience the complete printing workflow, including the detection of the exact position of defined substrates such as optical fibers, to then optimally place the microoptics and automatically compensate for even minimal substrate tilts in the printing process, all the way to the final print result in a live webinar demo. And finally, learn about technologies, novel approaches such as aligned 3D printing, and innovative applications for miniaturized fiber-based optics and photonics packaging."

You can register for the webinar here.

An hour later on the 1st, at 11 am EST (8 am PST), Nexa3D will discuss "Zero-Waste, High-Throughput Manufacturing with QLS" in a live webinar. John Calhoun, Director of QLS Business Development, and Lewis Simms, Head of Industrial Product Marketing, will have an insightful discussion about sustainability and high-volume manufacturing with the company's QLS technologies. Attendees will learn the barriers to sustainability with SLS and other powder bed processes, and how QLS and printers work together to deliver a quality, sustainable SLS solution for high-throughput 3D printing. Plus, there will be case studies available about using QLS to turn waste powder from MJF into resilient printed parts.

"SLS continues to reign supreme as the preferred additive manufacturing technology for low-volume manufacturing of complex components. As more and more manufacturers turn to this technology to solve production needs and supply chain woes, important questions emerge—How sustainable is this process? How effective is this process for higher-volume manufacturing?"

You can register for the webinar here.

The latest stop on Velo3D's 2023 "The Proof is in the Printing" global roadshow will be in Toulouse, France, also on Thursday, June 1st. The Metal AM Workshop will be presented from 12-5:30 pm CET at the Brasserie Du Stade Toulousain, and show attendees how Velo3D's fully integrated solution can help achieve lower costs, better part performance, supply chain flexibility, and repeatability. There will also be real-world examples of customer-printed parts, and attendees can ask questions, and get answers from, technical experts.

"If you have struggled with production of high-quality, metal AM parts, our "Proof is in the Printing" roadshow is the perfect opportunity to speak with our team and learn how to overcome those challenges. Hear from Velo3D engineers as they share their experience in scaling up metal additive applications."

You can register for the Toulouse stop here.

Finally, from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm PST on Saturday June 3rd, SprintRay will present its latest lecture, "3D Printing in Cosmetic, Restorative, and Implant Dentistry." Come to SprintRay's HQ in Los Angeles to hear from Dr. Paul Zhivago about how to enhance efficiency and accuracy in cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry using 3D printing. Attendees will learn how to improve their clinical routines, understand 3D printers, materials, and design service, and get a hands-on look at dental 3D printing demonstrations. At the end, of the lecture, they will receive 7 CE (Continuing Education) credits.

"Dr. Zhivago will walk through clinical 3D printing workflows such as ceramic hybrid single unit restoration, smile design aesthetic workflows, and full arch reconstructions. Dr. Zhivago will also showcase how to use 3D printing technology for complex treatments, combining surgical procedures and principles with restorative prosthodontic workflows."

You can register for the lecture here; breakfast, lunch, and happy hour are included.

Do you have news to share about any future webinars or virtual and live events? Please let us know!

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Share this Article 3D Printing News Unpeeled May 30 – June 2: The International Plastics and Rubber Event May 30: Automated Wax Support Removal May 30: Calculating SLS 3D Printing Business Cases May 31: Wire-Laser Metal AM for Machine Shops June 1 – 2: Keystone Space Collaborative Conference June 1: Nanoscribe Talks Aligned 3D Printing on Optical Fibers June 1: Nexa3D's Zero-Waste, High-Throughput QLS Technology June 1: Velo3D Continues Roadshow in France June 3: 3D Printed Cosmetic, Restorative, and Implant Dentistry Tagged with: Share this Article